We know that each client is unique and that's why we are flexible in our practice styles and range of services.
For some clients, an IT specialist plans the one day every week they work on-site at the client's office. While there they act as in-house IT support and solve any technical concerns, work on on-going projects and keep the systems running smoothly.
Other clients are set-up on a retainer, or time & materials basis, and can call us at any time with questions or for assistance with system upgrades and periodic maintenance.
What kind of technical support do you need?
IT Support Services
Providing quality IT support for network users is a challenge for many businesses. New workstations and systems are often not set up or deployed consistently and existing systems are not being updated and maintained on a regular basis. Users experience frequent glitches and crashes and end up developing awkward, time-consuming work-arounds. Users are frustrated because they experience the same problems day after day. The net result is that productivity suffers and on-going costs rise.
Our clients have found that using our IT Support Services is a strategic solution making a significant impact on their productivity, user satisfaction and ultimately the bottom-line.
Our specialists can work with your own IT professionals or provide a major portion of your IT support on an outsourced basis. We work together with you to identify and train internal staff who can handle the day to day issues themselves - such as dealing with printing and plotting issues, file backups, etc. Our services can then be used to deal with the more technical issues such as troubleshooting, deploying workstations & laptops, installing & updating software, implementing new systems, maintaining the network infrastructure, planning, budgeting, etc.
Computer Analytics understands the importance of timely technical support. Urgent issues can often be resolved via remote access over the Internet. Our specialists have the technical skill sets to differentiate tricky, annoying problems caused by complex interactions between hardware, system software and application software.
Working with hundreds of systems on a routine basis we can usually identify and resolve, or better yet - avoid altogether common problems that you might encounter, very quickly and very cost effectively.
Free updates to hardware components, system software and application software are released on a continual basis. Applying them constantly on a haphazard basis can be a disaster. We will work with you to test the updates in your environment and then systematically apply them as appropriate, often on a quarterly basis. You could have the confidence that you are taking advantage of updates, enhancements and corrections while doing everything possible to avoid costly down-time and annoying disruptions.
Start enjoying the benefits of our professional IT support services today. Our customers tell us that it saves them time and money and has an incredible impact on overall productivity and satisfaction.
Ongoing support services include:
Standardized Setups and Deployment of PCs and Laptops
Periodic Workstation Updates & Maintenance
Assistance with IT Budgeting, Planning and Procurement